

Thursday 24 July 2014

Gemsbok Carpaccio,
 Serves 4 – 6, 

1 Gemsbok loin, ( Gemsbok can be replaced with any other antelope species). 
150ml olive oil, 80ml lemon juice, 30g crushed garlic, 30g whole grain mustard, 100ml balsamic vinegar, 50 g coarse ground black pepper, 50g salt, sheet aluminium foil.

Spread the foil out flat on the table , mix all ingredients in bowl and soak the loin in the mixture, coat well.
Place the loin on the foil and cover with mixture.
Roll loin up tightly in the foil and ensure the ends are properly sealed. Please loin in freezer overnight.
To serve, remove loin from freezer , un-wrap the foil and cut the loin into paper thin slices.
Arrange a mix of fresh rocket leave and micro-greens on a plate and layer the thin slice on top.
Drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the Carpaccio, add parmesan shavings , fresh coriander and black pepper.
Serve immediately

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