

Monday 8 September 2014


Mind, body and breath become one

The word meditation comes from the Latin phases “to contemplate’ or  ‘to ponder’. For some, meditation is a spiritual experience and for others a simple and natural component of wellness

There are many forms of meditation while some focus on blocking out distracting thoughts others use mantas to eliminate thoughts from the mind. Meditations can also be concentrated on a particular thought , image or object. Regardless of the approach meditation can have many positive effects on the mind and the body

Meditation has the following effects on the body:

  • Meditation affects the central nervous system, which not only controls the muscles and organs the body’s functions such as breathing, your heartbeat and digestion
Effects on the mind

  • Many studies show that meditation can bring the mind to a deep state of psychological rest that changes the electrical signature of the brain – it is a state deeper than sleep or even hypnosis

The 5 steps to successful meditation:

  1. Still the body, the head, neck and trunk of the body need to be perfectly aligned
  2. Deep breathing from the diaphragm – to calm and relax the nervous system
  3. Mindful relaxation – let go of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual tension
  4. Focus on breathing correctly
  5. Be aware of each breath

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